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Club Safeguarding & Welfare

Our Safeguarding Officer

The welfare of athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers is the City of York’s Athletic Club’s number one priority. To support this objective, the club maintains a number of policies and procedures, which can be accessed on this page.

The club has also appointed Jane Bunton as the Club’s Welfare Officer. If you have any concerns or wish to speak to someone in the strictest confidence than please approach Jane at


Jane is also available on certain training nights and at club events.

Welfare Officer

Jane Bunton

Child Safeguarding Policy

Child Safeguarding Procedure

Adult Safeguarding Policy

Adult Safeguarding Procedure

Club Safeguarding Codes of Conduct

Technical Officials Codes of Conduct

Volunteers Codes of Conduct

Senior Athletes Codes of Conduct

Parents & Carers Codes of Conduct

Children & Young Peoples Codes of Conduct

Coaches Codes of Conduct

Welfare Officers Roles & Responsibilities

Equality Guidance

Risk Assessments

Role Descriptions


Have a Question?
We're Happy to Help.

At our club, your mental health matters, and you don’t have to face challenges alone. Whether you're struggling with stress, mental health issues, or emotional well-being, there are supportive groups ready to help.


If you need someone to talk to, reach out—support is always available.

Below is a list of organisations offering confidential advice and assistance for various concerns, from general mental health to specific issues like bullying, eating disorders, and energy imbalances in sport.


The club is open to all and does not discriminate on race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, religious affinity, disability or mental health.


Phone 0800 1111. Calls are free and won’t show up on your bill.

Platform 1

men’s community group Phone 01484 421143, Support for issues including mental health problems and addiction recovery.


Phone 0800 068 4141 A voluntary organisation supporting suicidal teens and young adults.


A charity offering support and advice for people with mental health problems. phone 0300 123 3393

Young Minds

Phone 0808 802 5544 (mon-Fri 9.30-4pm) Information on child and adolescent mental health. Services for both professionals and parents.


Emotional support, information and guidance for people affected by mental illness, their families and carers. TEXT CARE comfort and care via text message, sent when the person needs it most PEER SUPPORT forum

Students Against Depression

Bullying UK a website for both children and adults affected by bullying.


Phone 01237 234 839 providing support and advice on mental health for members of LGBTQ communities.

Beat A charity offering advice and support with eating disorders.

Athletes Imbalance Guidance, advice and support regarding the effects of energy imbalances in sport.

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